Watch Flock London/Vajrasati Yoga Production “What is Yoga?”

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Exploring your personal yoga path join the Vajrasati Yoga TT autumn 2025 - apply now for Brighton yoga teacher training and London yoga teacher training.

Vajrasati Yoga was founded in 2000.

All teachers, trainees and students in classes are empowered through a focus on ‘listening/responding’ that becomes spontaneous (sahaja) when the mind’s patterns have been quieted through yogic practices and the ease that comes through trust.

Vajrasati Yoga (VS Yoga) most often takes the form of a straightforward Modern Postural Yoga class i.e. body work. Interwoven into the fabric of the MPY āsanas is the spirit of the yoga movement as it has come down to us through its various influences such as Tantra, Haṭha, Advaita Vedanta and Jainism and Buddhism.

This is done through the tone of the relationship we have with the practice. We focus on the the central premise embodied in the word yoga itself - the isolation of breath, body, mind, heart, energy is simply a convention, covering a more obvious truth that each of these elements are inseparable parts of one whole experience (a field if you like). Opening to this field (known by various names such as the source (yoni), the ground (bhumi), the mother (mātṛkā) makes clinging impossible and we fall (patana) into the true nature of the Heart that -freedom, joy, wisdom, and bliss.

We encourage non-violence (ahiṃsā), honesty (satya), investigation (svādhyāya) as well as using a sense of trust in wisdom beyond our habitual tendencies  (īśvarapraṇidhāna), or letting go, to find a deeper, intuitive connection (yoga) to what we do. The classes integrate movement, breath, philosophy and humour in a way that leaves you feeling lighter, refreshed and revitalised.

VSYTT Testimonials.


Vajrasati Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Professionals Teacher Training Plus 500 RYS course which is the highest accreditation available for a teacher training course. In truth the course outstrips even the new high standards required by teacher training plus accreditation with over 1000 hours of training between the contact and non-contact aspects of the course. The course has been co-run by Jim and his partner expert yoga teacher Khadine Morcom - since 2014, very ably assisted by Sarah Pailthorpe, Pablo and several other wonderful graduates of the training.

The school offers a foundation- to-advanced teacher training run over 2 years . The course is suitable for those with or without previous yoga teacher training qualification.

Follow our Vajrasati Suttas, Sūtras and more channel here.