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Ann Mathie

Ann has been practising yoga and meditation for the past 20 years in the sphere of Hatha Yoga, Buddhism and Tantra. She has completed a 500hr teacher training with Vajrasati Yoga and continues to explore and study all aspects of āsana, prāṇāyāma, mudrā, mantraand meditation in a traditional and modern context.  She has completed her Masters in the Traditions of Yoga and Meditation at SOAS University where she was taught by leading scholars in the fields of Buddhism and Yoga. Ann works at bridging the gap between insights from meditation masters and contemporary consciousness theory.  Her current research is a phenomenological study of the kuṇḍalinī experience. 

 As a practitioner, a researcher and a schoolteacher Ann can integrate scholarly study with the real lived experience of meditation and yoga with heart and gentle encouragement. She is attentive to teaching postures which support longevity in practice as well as greater well-being. She is experienced with teaching students with long term injuries and various learning differences as well as advanced practitioners. In her classes, students are encouraged to explore the practices with intuitive intelligence with the space for individual expression.  These classes are designed to help each practitioner empower and develop their own practice.  Using posture prāṇāyāmaand traditional mediation techniques, Ann gives clear, detailed instructions for meditative absorption.  The lessons are designed to bring wholesome attitudes towards the self and others with a grounded, loving mind to support the stages of insight and awakening. 

 To provide a framework for practice, Ann teaches the philosophy of yoga and Buddhism.  This framework is to support the practitioner’s development of insight towards the nature of reality.  These concepts scaffold a way of living with allows happier and more peaceful outlooks to emerge.  The philosophy is taught in a way which encourages these concepts to fall away once the practitioner has integrated practice into lived presence.