The Course
Thank you for your interest in Vajrasati Yoga Teacher Training (500 hours YAP TT+).
25 years have gone by since Jim founded Vajrasati Yoga Teacher Training and we are proud to say that we are one of the longest running independent TT’s in the country. The longevity, in-depth understanding of the mechanics and the philosophy of yoga and the integrity of the school approach means that Vajrasati Yoga Teacher Training holds the highest accreditation possible with Yoga Alliance professionals (YAP 500+).
The two year course allows time to fully integrate the teachings of yoga. The course covers: yoga; āsana, prāṇāyāma, meditation and mantra; teaching techniques; anatomy and physiology; yoga philosophy from all influencing traditions (for full understanding) and Sanskrit basics.
The training is facilitated by Jim Tarran and his partner Khadine Morcom - between them they have over 60 years of practice and 52 years of teaching under their belts. The course is also supported by Sarah Pailthorpe, as well as senior teachers in the school.
At the heart of Vajrasati Yoga is the empowerment of each and every teacher (and student) and shared learning so we can all grow together. You will also be joining a wonderful community (saṃgha) of like-minded teachers, who want to know yoga for themselves, not simply from a scripted style package of dogmatic instructions. You will be encouraged to utilise intuitive knowledge along with real investigation of traditional teachings, with the support of a cohort of heart-led practitioners. At the heart of Vajrasati Yoga is the empowerment of each and every teacher (and student) and shared learning so we can all grow together.
Even if you don't want to be a yoga teacher but you want to know more about yoga, then this training might be for you. Many of our trainees join the course to simply deepen their own practice - we have many people in the community who choose to not teach, as well as many who either teach full-time or part-time. So whether there is a longing to become a teacher, or a longing to embark on an intimate journey of self-enquiry then this might be the course for you.
We also take on pre-existing yoga teachers. Many 200 hour qualified teachers come to us as they often realise that the 200 hours doesn't quite give them all of the tools they need to feel fully confident, autonomous and inspired. This course is able to take your knowledge and confidence to another level. It has in fact been described by one graduate as being like doing a yoga degree!
We have two intakes; one in Brighton (at Brighton Buddhist Centre) in September (2025) and one in Herne Hill in September (2025).
Testimonials to whet your appetite can be found here :
We would be delighted to receive your application!
email -
Warmly Jim and Khadine
Course Timings
Herne Hill - 2024 - WEDNESDAYS 1:15-4.45PM - BREAKS FOR : EASTER, XMAS, AUGUST.
Vajrasati Yoga sees Sangha as a cornerstone in its success, both during the training but perhaps even more importantly after Vajrasati teacher training (general certificate) has been presented. This is because the very nature of yoga is about appropriate creative responses to the here and now, both from a subjective and objective point of view. Good communication with people who understand, is part of what supports that level of honesty. Not only that but our peers can inspire us. We can pass on to each other new methods or better ways of expressing certain points, as well as sharing new insights and ideas that will constantly be arising from a yoga school that aspires to constant reflectiveness and open mindedness, so that as the conditions that yoga takes place in or under morph and change, appropriate and helpful developments will arise in response.
There are eight ten week blocks with assessments at the end of each. The last term of the training (term eight) will include two individual assessments and one group one, as well as a written test. There are homework’s set each term that will take a couple of hours each week on average.
Final Assessment
The Course Reading List
Only available for enrolled trainees and graduates.
Expectations of the Course
Expectations of the course once you start:
● Attendance should be maintained as a minimum of 8 weeks out of a 10 week term. If more than 2 weeks are missed in a term then you would need to have a one to one catch up with one of your trainers or assistant teachers on the course. This is chargeable. If you are in a group that is also being zoomed, missed weeks can be caught up by watching the zoom recording and therefore no catch up session will be required. You may also have the option to attend a missed session at our sister training that runs concurrently with the training you are joining (Brighton on Fridays and London on Wednesdays).
● You should attempt to avoid missing week 10s of each term as this is the wrap up weekwhereby everyone teaches as part of a class and then feedback is given - it is a weekwhere everything you have learnt throughout the term comes together. If you have tomiss a week 10 then you may be able to attend the week 10 at the sister training(London or Brighton), or catch up with a zoom recording.
● As well as attendance to TT you must attend (on average) at least one class a week with either Jim or Khadine (preferably attending classes with both of them over the course of each term). If finances are problematic for this, both Jim and Khadine have zoom classes that can be attended at reduced rates or even as a guest if it is needed. This forms a big part of your learning - seeing what you learn in yoga school in action. It also forms part of your hours that form the accreditation by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Obviously there are times when this cannot happen as life gets in the way but this is anaverage attendance over the whole course - some weeks you may attend 2 classes, or you may be on a weekend retreat, holiday or workshop with Jim or Khadine and thatbumps up your attendance so that you are able to miss weeks.
● You should be developing a home yoga practice that ideally builds up to a practice of around 1 hour a day. However we recognise that this is not always possible with life commitments such as work and family. What is important though is that you commit toregular practice - this may mean some days you get on your mat for 5-10 minutes as that is what life allows, at other times you may have the luxury of 2 hours of self practice (welive in hope!). Apply what you are learning at yoga school at home. Your self practice can include the classes you attend with Jim and Khadine.
● You will be allocated a “buddy” (a graduate of the school who will be a form of mentor).Ideally you will touch base with your buddy once a term but this relationship is left to you. More details will be sent by our buddy convenor, senior Vajrasati teacher, SarahPailthorpe when you start the training. If you have a friend who is a graduate who you would like as a buddy this can be arranged.
● Homework. There are 7 homeworks per 10 week term. They take between 20 minutes to 2 hours (all are possible to do in an hour). Some of them are diaries that you keep over a week so it is recommended you check over the homework each term at thebeginning so you can be prepared!
● Although this may sound like a lot, it actually isn't if we take into account the time we may spend idly scrolling on our phone, watching television etc. This course can be passed easily with just a small amount of focussed time dedicated to it on a regular basis- and you’re signing up because you love yoga right?! If life throws you a curveball that impacts your ability to dedicate time to the course then please just speak to us - we canhelp you - there are always ways we can lighten the load for you allowing you to complete the course with ease and most of all enjoyment!
● If life throws you a big curveball which inhibits your ability to complete the course, then itis possible to pause your training for 2 years whilst banking what you have paid (including the course exit fees). Therefore you can rejoin within two years and your feespaid so far will be deducted from the course fees of that year. After the two year period you would be treated as a new student so would have to pay in full if you wanted tore-join. If you have to leave the course before completion then you would have to paythe following exit fees:
○ If leaving in the first year - you will owe a total of 50% of the course fees
○ If leaving in terms 5-6 a total of 75% of course fees to be paid
○ If leaving in terms 7-8 without completion full course fees payable
If you have already paid for the course up front we will refund in line with the above fees (50% refunded in year one, 25% refunded in terms 5-6 and no refund in terms 7-8).
These fees are applied because you have taken a place that cannot be filled until the yearly intake in the autumn and may have been filled by someone else. The majority of yoga teacher training courses ask for full course fees up front so we feel this is a fair system. Obviously if you are leaving due to financial constraints we can discuss how we can make this viable for you and may even be able to assist you to remain on the course. Hopefully you won't have to enact this and you will sail through the training with no hitches!