
yogis” enjoying a version of “pāśāsana” at a Vajrasati Yoga workshop

Workshops explore a variety of themes. They usually consist of a minimum of a two hour practice and/or study session. Some sessions will last a day. These are great opportunity for a deep dive - check out our sessions below.

Workshops 2025

Rūpārūpa: Between Form and Formless

with Khadine Morcom

Join Khadine for a unique exploration of Yoga - a real treat for those of you interested in exploring the landscape beyond and below Yoga as physical movement! Modern postural yoga is based on the form of yoga āsana (or what we call yoga posture). This workshop will explore through the familiar form of āsana and the physical body, how we can also dip beneath the form of the posture into an experience that can be described as formless.

The traditional yoga of Patañjali points us back to an experience of being called puruṣa which is a formless experience of the individual self. Tantra points us to consciousness - a formless field within which all exists, formed from the non-dual principles of Śiva and Śakti (consciousness and power).

Some Buddhist traditions point us to śūnyatā (emptiness). For this workshop we will explore how the experience of form can lead us to the formless experience and what is it that lies between these 2 states of being. We'll practice physical yoga posture and movement and we'll also explore tantric meditation leading to the formless and a yoganidrā through traditional teachings of yoga that we find in classical texts. Expect a well rounded practice of movement and rest.

Join Khadine for an amazing workshop

Brighton Buddhist Centre - All the way down the rabbit hole

with Jim Tarran

āsana, meditation, prānāyāma - yoga deep-dive practice

For students with one or more years regular yoga practice.

April 26th 2- 4:30pm

costs £25 Vajrasati or concessions £33 regular price.

Adjustments part 2

Why - When - How

Sunday June 15th 2pm-4:30pm

with Jim Tarran @Space studios

This is a workshop for anyone who wants to learn more about how and when (and when not) to give adjusts in yoga classes.

You will learn: 

  • *Non contact adjustment (verbal)

  • Adjustment flavour (how to transmit the spirit of yoga practice through expression, tone, humour and breath), specific instructions for specific poses. 

  • Vocal Tone appropriate to the student/movement.

  • *Sympathetic Contact Adjustment (SCA) - anatomy, technique.

  • You will experience:

  • Adjustments from Jim.

  • Working with others to try adjustments out

  • A chance to get Jim’s expert advice gleaned over the last 33 years of teaching.

Booking via Space Brighton

A Belt for Yoga - at Luna Wave

May/June/July date TBC

A yoga belt or yogapaṭṭa

One aspect of modern yoga that finds surprising continuity with ancient forms of Indian yoga and asceticism, is the use of “props” to support one’s yogic and meditative practice. The idea of using a cloth yoga strap or belt to fix one’s body in a posture turns out to be at least two thousand years old! We see it in depicte din the releifs at Sanchi an ancient Buddhist site in Madhya Pradesh (c. 50 BCE–50 CE), it is mentioned in Pali texts from 150 BCE and we find it used even now by Northern Buddhist Tantrics.

There are so many ways that a belt can assist in a modern practice of yoga to stabilise, to direct, to contain, to maintain and to bridge.

This workshop with Jim Tarran will give you dozens of ways to use a yoga belt for either you own practice or to share with others.

Price £30

Yoga Immersion” at Barcombe Hall

with Jim Tarran

Retreat Day in the Beautiful Sussex countryside

September 21st Equinox Retreat 2025

Costs £75 - £65 concession (Concession = Vajrasati members/ over 65’s/ NUS/NHS). Includes delicious, healthy vegan lunch and teas.

10am - 4pm

Immerse yourself for a whole day and come back fully restored. Nourish yourself from head to toe and immerse yourself in Jims’s 30 years of teaching insights.

Meditation, body work, breath work and mantra.

Also includes a half hour, after lunch, Q and A - “ask me anything” yoga related - history, Sanskrit, anatomy etc. (bring a question and a note pad).

Getting there:

Barcombe Village Hall, Barcombe Mills Road, Barcombe. Lewes. Sussex.  BN8 5BH

Jim Tarran - Founder of Vajrasati Yoga will be teaching your yoga and meditation immersion day.

Yoga Immersion” at Barcombe Hall

with Jim Tarran

Retreat Day in the Beautiful Sussex countryside

November 23rd 2025

Costs £75 - £65 concession (Concession = Vajrasati members/ over 65’s/ NUS/NHS) - includes delicious, healthy vegan lunch and teas.

10am - 4pm

Immerse yourself for a whole day and come back fully restored. Nourish yourself from head to toe and immerse yourself in Jims”s 30 years of teaching insights.

Meditation, body-work, breath work and mantra.

(Also includes a half hour, after lunch, Q and A - “ask me anything” yoga related - history, sanskrit, anatomy etc. (bring a question and a note pad).

Getting there:

Barcombe Village Hall, Barcombe Mills Road, Barcombe. Lewes. Sussex.  BN8 5BH

Beautiful Barcombe Hall in the heart of the countryside with amazing views.

Winter Solstice Yoga Immersion

at the Brighton Buddhist Centre

with Jim Tarran


Sunday December 21st