Carry On Yoga
Jim Tarran
Carry on in hard times with the steady influence of yoga practice and study. At times there is joy, at times there is sorrow, but let there be always practice and study, and yoga will illuminate your life, and also life will illuminate your yoga.
To be a great teacher, you don’t have to be always happy, but only keep yoga going, even if you are confused, sad and tired. Then you will know how to teach when your students are confused, sad or tired.
The important thing is not to try to conform to an ideal of yoga, that it should always make you happy, but that yoga gives you a steady relationship with life (happy, sad, whatever) from which you can always learn and grow, the more you grow the more you transcend happiness and sadness in the bigger picture of acceptance and wisdom.
“Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.”
— Plato