Tāḍāsana - Mountain Pose
Bring yourself to a standing position with you inner feet and legs together. Toes spread. Balls of the feet wide.
Make sure your feet are level and that the front section of the inner feet are in contact.
Stand upright with your arms by your side.
Keep your head up and chest lifted.
Let the brain soften and the eyes become peaceful.
Let the nervous system expand and uncurl until sensitivity buzzes in the nerve tips throughout.
Allow the breath to feel un-pressured so that it continues to inspire the uncurling of the nervous system.
Sensitise your feet and feel for evenness in the weight between them.
Where there is more weight on one foot than the other check that the hips do not sway away from lightest foot.
Press the heel of the lightest foot down keeping the nerve tissue expansive.
Lift the knee caps as you draw the heels down.
Allow foot arches to rise.
Draw thigh bones at the top back.
Maintain a forward resistance from gluteal creases (where buttocks meet the thighs).
Suck outer hips in.
Pull up from the groins to the chest, sucking side ribs in as you ascend.
Shoulders down arms back chest in.
Keep the hips aligned with the ankles suck in front and back pelvis and side hips to a central core in the pelvis from where you lift.
Keep the crown and the centre ankles in line.
If pregnant, sufferer from vertigo, low blood pressure, do not stand for more than 20 to 40 breath cycles, unless under supervision from experienced teacher.