Teacher Training Syllabus Overview

TERM 1: The Standing Āsanas - Uttiṣhṭha Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 15 main standing āsanas.

TERM 2: The Seated Āsanas - Upaviṣṭha Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 17 main seated āsanas.

TERM 3: Inversions and Supine Āsanas - Viparīta and Supta Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 16 main inversions and supine āsanas.

TERM 4: Back Arches and Twists - Pūrva Prathana and Parivṛtta Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 13 main āsanas incorporating back arches and twist.

TERM 5: Balancing Āsanas - Santulana Tūla Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 16 main balancing āsanas.

TERM 6: Prāṇāyāma and Āsanas Preparing For Prāṇāyāma
A thorough investigation of 16 main preparatory āsanas for prāṇāyāma as well as a plethora of prāṇāyāma practices.

TERM 7: Twists, Side Stretches and Inversion Āsanas - Parivrtta, Parsva and Viparīta Sthiti
A thorough investigation of 11 main twists, side stretches and inversion āsanas.

TERM 8: Chair Āsanas, Miscellaneous and Mantra - Āsandī and Ityādi Sthiti and Mantra
A thorough investigation of 15 main chair-based and some miscellaneous āsanas as well as a deep exploration of mantra to accompany the continual study of mantra.

See also teacher training syllabus with pronunciations and translations