The Journey of a Yoginī
Lynne Mason
The journey of a yogini
forever in discovery
to unite
to feel alive
to feel the force of life
to become enlightened
and not be frightened
to see the truth and look inside
to face the inner self and be kind
to feel connected with soul body and mind
It has lead me
to the community
of Vajrasati thunderbolt mindfulness
openhearted kindness
like the sun to the moon
and it truly feels like this
with yoginis Jim and Khadine in the room
with that first sacred aum
our hearts connected as one
and I know that no matter how long
or far that moment will never be gone
and in moments of fear and doubt and wrong
to that moment I will call upon
and hear our hearts song
and let it wash over me
like a shower of gold
letting it flow, letting it go, with nothing to hold
just wise words to be told
like warmth in the cold
no matter how young or how old
no matter where I go
I feel this yoga in my head
in my heart my soul
in my pose
now I can even feel yoga in my toes
but still theres so much more to know
before I to can share this wisdom,
before I can truly give what has been given
before I teach and become a teacher
before I preach and become a preacher
before I let go of everything and set myself free
but this integration
is not achieved with just information
it is not taught, it can not be preached
there is a teacher inside of us all, ready to be released
feeling it for oneself is the only way integration is achieved
It’s no easy journey
the path of the yogini
The world I see now is different
to what I saw, or what I allowed myself to see before
now that I’m peeling back the pieces until I get to the core
it feels so raw
I feel so exposed
but I do it to grow to know to open up like a rose
to let the life force flow
I am afraid of what’s inside of me
I see myself differently
I see the darkness that longs for light
the shadow that lurks in the night
I have addictions, afflictions
habits and traditions
but I don’t judge, there’s no convictions
all this deserves compassion
because without all of me I’d have no passion
no fashion, no daily ration, no I can’t imagine
who I would be if I were not all of me
this soul as it is whole
I am just here now one and whole
a soul already free
if I let myself be
I’m the same me I’ve always been
If I can’t just be me now then I will never be
if believe I’m already free
If I look with honesty I will truly see
If I open up I will feel the universe reside in me
and experience bliss, ecstasy
The world pulls
in every direction
and I long to be released
and immersed in this dimension
feeling the connection
but life is a balance
life is a challenge
as something gives another receives
as something grows something else recedes
and the only way to stay whole and true
is to go deep into the centre, the inner who
the inner me the inner you
staying centred and being true
for yoga is the glue
the bond binding us all together
the love uniting us all forever
and together we can voyage deep
together we have everything we need
together we are everything we are supposed to be
this path we are on is part of a bigger plan
nothing anyone on their own can ever understand
like the yin to the yang
the dark in the light, the light in the dark
always together, never apart
integrated through the love in our heart