Trikoṇāsana - Triangle Pose
This āsana strengthens the body, opens the hips, shoulders and chest, and stretches the legs.
(tree - cone - arsana)
Trikoṇāsana = three angle or triangle
Step your feet into a wide stride, about four to four and a half foot (depending on height).
Turn your left toes in and your right foot and leg out.
Ensure your right heel lines up with your left instep and that your right instep is turned out 90 degrees from your pelvis (if you are using a yoga mat, line the instep of the foot parallel with the front edge of your mat).
Anchor yourself into the centre of the heel bones.
Revolve your right thigh bone 90 degrees from your pelvis so that your knee faces the same direction as your foot.
Lift the left arch whilst staying anchored onto the centre heel.
Keep both legs relativly straight (“intelligently toned”).
Inhale, lift up your torso by raising your right arm, keeping the hips and chest comfortably acing forwards so that the left hip and chest stay back (without jamming - keep space).
Exhale, extend your right ribs over your right leg from the crease at the top of your thigh, keeping the legs straight, your chest open and remaining centred on the left heel and lifted on the left arch.
Raise your left arm to form a straight line with your right and extend your arms outwards to expand your heart.
Turn your head to face in the same direction as your chest or look up to encourage your upper spine to deepen and your breast bone to lift towards your head.
Breathe freely through your nose relaxing at the end of your out breath and expanding as a whole on the in breath. Disappear into the richness of the moment and allow spontaneous spaciousness to spread out in all directions.
Stay for ten breaths or up to 30 seconds then come up and repeat on the other side.
Extra focus
Keep your right groin lifted by keeping the back of the leg firm and the front of the leg lifted from the knee.
Increase your focus on the centre back heel whilst lifting the back arch, allowing the opposing movements to create an upward spiral of the leg outwards.
Follow all the instructions in a non-mechanical way.
If the front leg knee joint experiences any sharp pain during or after practice, you may have over bending knees (very common, don’t panic). Practice with the knee a little bent and consult a teacher for further advice.