Vīrabhadrāsana II - Warrior Pose II
Step your feet apart into a wide stride (approximately 4 foot/1.2 metres, depending on height).
Extend your arms away from your chest with palms down.
Turn your left toes in (towards midline) and right foot and leg out (away from midline).
Keep evenly balance on the centre of both heel bones.
Stretch into your back (left) leg, countering any oscillation on the heel by keeping the outer shin firm lift the back arch.
Extend the right groin, shorten the outer thigh towards the buttock, and bend the right knee to a right angle. Do not lunge. Keep the body upright as if someone where lightly pulling on your left fingers as you descend.
Do not allow the knee to under or overshoot the ankle, or stray inwards. Keep the right foot arch raised and even on the circumference of the heel.
Keep your awareness deep in the body, feeling out any adjustment and counter balances. Keep the front body open and the heart calm.
Deepen the outer hip joint on the left leg and lift the inner groin.
Turn the head to the right.
Breathe calmly scanning the body for tension. Change tension to presence.
Stay for 10 to 30 breaths then come up with the in breath. Do not allow the knee to turn forwards until out turn the foot when you have fully ascended.
Repeat on second side.